Primary Benefits of Isotonix® Calcium Plus
Supports skeletal health
Adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life
Supports cardiovascular health
Plays a critical role in the normal contraction of skeletal and heart muscles
Supports normal muscle use and performance
Supports healthy teeth and gums
Helps to maintain healthy immune functions and general wellbeing
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
Supports proper nerve conduction
Promotes normal regulation of hormones and enzyme production
Promotes normal hormone secretion
Promotes normal enzyme and hormone regulation
Helps to ease the discomfort of PMS
Promotes normal blood clotting
Supports healthy blood sugar levels
Supports healthy body weight
Supports healthy pregnancy and fetal development
Isotonix® Calcium Plus
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What Makes Isotonix® Calcium Plus Unique?
Calcium is essential for building and maintaining strong bones. Isotonix® Calcium Plus provides the body with an optimal blend of calcium, vitamin D3, magnesium, vitamin C and boron in an efficient isotonic solution that is readily absorbed by the body. Isotonix dietary supplements are a replica of the body's own fluids, such as tears, plasma and breast milk. All fluids in the human body have a certain concentration, which is called the osmotic pressure. The body's common osmotic pressure, which is isotonic, allows a consistent maintenance of all body tissues. In order for a substance to be used in the body's metabolism, it must be changed to the isotonic state.
The efficiency of absorption is also affected by the digestive system. All substances that are used in the stomach go through a degradation process (breakdown) before they can be passed through the opening from the stomach to the small intestine to allow absorption. The digestive process can cause substances to lose some nutritive value, and this whole process takes time!
The secret of the isotonic process is probably now becoming clear! When an isotonic substance enters the body, it will be absorbed into the bloodstream rapidly. With isotonic fluids, little nutritive value is lost making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient. There is nothing artificial about it. An isotonic fluid is nature's own nutrient delivery system.
Isotonix Calcium Plus paves the way for powerful results since it is in an isotonic form rather than a tablet. Calcium in tablet form is difficult for your body to absorb. People may fail to absorb tablet calcium supplements because the calcium supplement is not blended with vitamin D and magnesium; these are necessary to aid in the absorption and use of calcium.
Even if the calcium tablet is blended correctly, it may be difficult for the body to utilize or break down the calcium. One explanation may be that many calcium brands use calcium from eggshell or oyster shell. These may not be well absorbed by the body. Another reason calcium may not be absorbed from a tablet is because of DCP, which is a binding agent used to hold the tablet together. DCP does not break down in the body.
In addition to binders, some calcium supplements may have additives such as chlorine and other chemicals. Even assuming no binders are used in the calcium tablet, the body must still break down a hard-press tablet before it can begin to absorb the product. This takes time which you do not require with an isotonic formula.
Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before starting any new supplement, dietary program or exercise routine.
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